Back Office
Adaugat: 1 săptămână în urmă
Schindler Romania
Back Office
Adaugat: 1 săptămână în urmă
Schindler Romania
Acest anunt este cu aplicare externa. Cand dati click pe Aplicare Externa veti fi redirectionat pe un alt site pentru a aplica.
Main Responsibilities:
Compile service and repair offers, based on reports from field activity of technicians.
Follow-up the repair orders, ensure the delivery and replacement of spare parts and and get the feedback from the customers.
Follow-up the preparation and transmission of the service/repair invoices on time for ongoing contracts.
Check and provide information on the situation of the remaining balance to Manager and the customer terms and conditions of payment.
Communicate and collaborate constantly with technicians in order to fulfill customer demands.
Manage maintenance portfolio, from the service contract offer to the collection of bad debts including follow-up actions.
Compile reports upon managers request.
Sfaturi de siguranta
- Nu trimiteti niciodata BANI in avans sau acte de identitate pentru aplicarea la un loc de munca. Nu trimiteti bani in avans pentru promisiuni de angajare sau alte oferte similare.
- Daca aveti impresia ca acest anunt nu este real, va rugam sa il raportati apasand butonul "Raporteaza Job"
This action will pause all job alerts. Are you sure?
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