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Certificated Lifeguard In Greece (Good Time Group) | Robin

Adaugat: 3 săptămâni în urmă

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Our partner is in the business of providing entertainers and animators, professional show events, and hotel staff to hotels & resorts, tour operators, and fun parks in European destinations.They are currently looking for certified lifeguards to join their team in Greece!As a lifeguard, you are responsible for guaranteeing the safety of all guests in the designated areas, such as the pool and the beach.Your duties will include:Ensuring the safety of all guests in the pool area and at the beach;Making sure that all guests follow the rules in designated areas;Warning swimmers of improper activities or danger;Administering first aid in the event of injury and rescuing swimmers in distress or danger of drowning;Performing life-saving measures in case of an emergency;Other related tasks.The starting salary for this position is €800 net/month, depending on your previous experience. Taxes and health insurance are included, as well as board and airport transfers.The accommodation is in a 2-person room and is free of charge. In this position, you will also get three warm meals daily from hotel restaurants.All candidates work six days a week, from Monday to Sunday, for 48 hours per week. There is a possibility of earning additional income through promotion.Requirements:A CV in English is required to apply for this position;A valid lifeguard license is needed;Previous experience working as a lifeguard is mandatory;Speaking any additional language besides English will be considered a plus;Responsible and attentive personality;Willingness to live and work with other nationalities;Availability to stay in Greece for two to six months.B1 English skills", "identifier": { "@type": "PropertyValue", "name": "Certificated Lifeguard in Greece (Good Time Group)", "value": "19766" }, "datePosted" : "2025-01-22", "validThrough" : "2025-04-14 00:00:00", "employmentType" : "CONTRACTOR", "hiringOrganization" : { "@type" : "Organization", "name" : "FIEGE Group" , "logo" : "" } , "jobLocation": { "@type": "Place", "address": { "@type": "PostalAddress", "addressRegion": "", "postalCode": "", "streetAddress" : "", "addressLocality": "Grecce", "addressCountry": "" } } , "baseSalary": { "@type": "MonetaryAmount", "currency": "EUR", "value": { "@type": "QuantitativeValue", "minValue": "800", "maxValue": "800", "unitText": "HOUR" } } }

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Numele anuntului: Certificated Lifeguard In Greece (Good Time Group) | Robin
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