Adaugat: 1 săptămână în urmă
Adaugat: 1 săptămână în urmă
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Sales responsibilities:
- Manages contacts and relation with factories and clients
- Client service tasks: orders processing, communication between factories and importers in terms of order preparation, confirmation of orders, loadings, organization of loading and necessary documents provided if needed;.
- Collaborate with other departments in order to provide the clients different types of documents: certificates, licenses, sanitary analyses
- Prepares and sends to sales representatives the documents required for their work concerning the sales of products and payments.
- Support Marketing and Sales departments in order to import the samples.
- Makes the statistics of consumption of samples.
- Prepares the outputs (informations) about sales
- Checks and follows previsions / sales
- Relation with sales department: sales report, product sales report, other demands of sales department.
Administration responsibilities:
- Providing administrative support for all company departments;
- Maintaining and developing relationships with service providers updating information to them;
- Organize business travels and hotel bookings
- Welcome the incoming guests, clients and manage the protocol activities.
- Managing all the company suppliers for the well functioning of the office;
- The position is reporting to the Head of Customer Service Department
What we offer:
- Dynamic and exciting job for the world market leader
- Responsible role with great amount of job scope variety
- Inspiring and creative international work environment
- Autonomy in assigned tasks
- competitive salary
- life & health insurance
- laptop and phone
- compensation of public transport
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- Nu trimiteti niciodata BANI in avans sau acte de identitate pentru aplicarea la un loc de munca. Nu trimiteti bani in avans pentru promisiuni de angajare sau alte oferte similare.
- Daca aveti impresia ca acest anunt nu este real, va rugam sa il raportati apasand butonul "Raporteaza Job"
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