Dispecer transport marfa
Adaugat: 1 săptămână în urmă
Dispecer transport marfa
Adaugat: 1 săptămână în urmă
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As a dispatcher you instruct drivers for the trips and follow-up on the execution of orders. You identify deviations in the trip execution in an early stage and adjust accordingly to eliminate delays as much as possible. You are the first point of contact for drivers. You inform customers, partners and colleagues about relevant delays and issues. You assist planning by assigning truck to trips based on routine and instruction. You are hands-on involved in all tasks.
The activities include:
• Follow-up of the order execution of all truck assigned to you by the team leader
• Identify deviations in the execution in an early stage
• Adjust/control the order execution to eliminate delays as much as possible
• Inform customers, partners and colleagues about delays and deviations
• (Re-) Assign trucks to trips based on routine and instruction
• Instruct, control and assist drivers
• Administrative supervision and control of the transportDescrierea companieiTimișoara Logistics Solutions (TLS) is an internationally operating trucking company.
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