Environment Sr. Analyst
Adaugat: 1 săptămână în urmă
Environment Sr. Analyst
Adaugat: 1 săptămână în urmă
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What will you do on a daily basis?
- The scope of your role is to offer support to the local environment department to maintain the environmental management system process including waste management and respect company requirements, procedures and applicable legal regulation for Zalau facility.
- You will participate in the systematic identification, assessment and control of environmental aspects.
- You will contribute to waste management process for Zalau facility (manage waste management contracts, selective waste collection, waste recycling opportunities, etc.)
- You will support the implementation of the Company Environmental procedures, ensuring these are properly issued, implemented and updated and prepares periodical reports.
- You will perform weekly inspections on the field that will support the learning process and flows related with industrial layout in Zalau
- You will analyze monitoring results, statistics, trends, action plans related with environmental aspects;
- You will participates and support environmental awareness campaigns
Sfaturi de siguranta
- Nu trimiteti niciodata BANI in avans sau acte de identitate pentru aplicarea la un loc de munca. Nu trimiteti bani in avans pentru promisiuni de angajare sau alte oferte similare.
- Daca aveti impresia ca acest anunt nu este real, va rugam sa il raportati apasand butonul "Raporteaza Job"
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