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Hotel General Manager, Hilton Garden Inn Brasov

Companie Verificata

Adaugat: 5 zile în urmă

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Companie :
Hilton Garden Inn Brasov
Functia Jobului :
Ospitalitate & timp liber
Industrie :
Turism si recreere
Locatie :
Tip job :
Program Full Time
Nivel experienta :
Manager / nivel executiv
Vechime :
5 ani
Descriere :


  • ​Lead and manage hotel operations. Follow hotel budgets. Facilitate the preparation of hotel budgets and forecasts for corporate submission and approvals. Review forecasts and balanced scorecard. Direct hotel actions required maximizing profitability, increasing service levels and improving team member satisfaction.
  • Ensure hotel implementation and compliance with Hilton Hotels Brand Standards.
  • Oversee the sales and marketing activity and results.
  • Lead and/or participate in sales and marketing strategy meetings. Participate in efforts to secure business, as needed.
  • Lead department heads to ensure overall profit, service, and team member satisfaction goals are met or exceeded.
  • Speak with and respond to guests regarding service challenges.
  • Facilitate hotel meetings (i.e. Executive Committee; Staff Meeting; All Associates Meetings, etc).
  • Hire, supervise, coach, discipline, and conduct performance evaluations for department heads and key personnel.
  • Develop the skills and abilities of direct reports.
  • Monitor high-potential department heads and team member activity and ensure their growth within the company.
  • Communicate with hotel owners regarding results and aligning strategic plans for the future development of their hotel.
  • Communicate with various corporate departments regarding implementing standards, procedures, and policies. Provide feedback on company-wide initiatives.
  • Attend industry meetings and participate in industry organizations.
  • Participate in and maintain active community relations.
  • Participate in corporate activities and meetings, as requested.


  • Interesting and challenging work in an international environment.
  • Competitive salary and performance-based bonuses.
  • Additional benefits such as private health insurance.
  • Exclusive GoHilton accommodation and dining discounts for personal travel worldwide.
  • Discounted rates for accommodation and F&B in international branded hotels managed by Apex Alliance.

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