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HR Specialist Learning & Development

Companie Verificata

Adaugat: 1 săptămână în urmă

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Companie :
Functia Jobului :
Resurse umane & HR
Industrie :
Hoteluri, restaurante si catering
Locatie :
Campia Turzii
Tip job :
Program Full Time
Nivel experienta :
Nivel mediu
Vechime :
3 ani
Descriere :

As a learning & development specialist at La Lorraine Romania we are counting on you to asses organizational learning needs. Your responsibilities:

  • be in contact with external training agencies and develop modules together that are tailored to the company’s needs.
  • develop instructional materials in collaboration with specialists for blue-collar workers.
  • deliver training programs and assess the effectiveness of these programs.
  • implement efficient onboarding plans for new employees.
  • have a hands-on attitude when it comes to administrative tasks such as budgets, analytics, and HR metrics.
  • stay updated with the latest learning technologies and trends.
  • be the local contact for all Group L&D suggestions or requirements and ensure alignment with the local culture.
  • be the first internal ambassador of the company’s values and create programs that keep the values alive in daily business operations.
  • identify training agencies, sites, and eLearning channels that strike the right balance between quality and budget.

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Numele anuntului: HR Specialist Learning & Development
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