IT Specialist with MES Experience - SIBIU
Adaugat: 1 săptămână în urmă
IT Specialist with MES Experience - SIBIU
Adaugat: 1 săptămână în urmă
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Guarantee IT Operations in the production site following instructions and procedures
defined by the Group Corporate IT.
Ensure local critical IT systems are operational to guarantee Group Operations and assist in problem resolution when necessary;
Follow Group Corporate IT instructions and procedures;
Understand processes, systems, means and products in their plants so a first level support can be provided to business applications from IT perspective;
Understand EDI flows and technologies from IT scope to support plant in discussions with the customers and Group Corporate IT on this regard ;
Assist Group Corporate IT project teams in functional analysis of industrial processes and solutions delivery, including contact with suppliers on IT solutions related to production means to be delivered into plants;
Integrate in Group Corporate IT project teams to implement IT technologies in our environments;
Transmit relevant information related to IT to relevant bodies within the plant and HQ;
Ensure no local IT solutions are developed or deployed without explicit approval/validation from Group Corporate IT;
Ensure group companies where service is provided comply with Group Information Security policies.
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