Ophthalmologist, France
Adaugat: 1 săptămână în urmă
Ophthalmologist, France
Adaugat: 1 săptămână în urmă
Several hospitals are looking for ophthalmologists for Paris, Lyon and the main cities of France (you can ask us for more available locations).
Only for consultations (min. 30 per day).
Remuneration & benefits:
Monthly salary of +/- 10 000 € (fixed salary + shifts)
Requirements & expectations:
Be a citizen of the European Union (or a citizen of a country with which France has signed a worker exchange agreement).
Have a degree in medicine with a specialisation in ophthalmology from a university in the European Union (unfortunately we cannot consider applications from medical interns).
Speak French at a level that allows at least good communication with patients (B2 level). No language diploma will be required but a mandatory interview will take place
Not to have been subject to serious criminal or professional sanctions
To be motivated to come and settle permanently in France and to practice his/her profession with professional conscience, while respecting the Code of Ethics of the Order des Medicines
Sfaturi de siguranta
- Nu trimiteti niciodata BANI in avans sau acte de identitate pentru aplicarea la un loc de munca. Nu trimiteti bani in avans pentru promisiuni de angajare sau alte oferte similare.
- Daca aveti impresia ca acest anunt nu este real, va rugam sa il raportati apasand butonul "Raporteaza Job"
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