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Staermose Industry: Press Brake Operator

Adaugat: 1 săptămână în urmă

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Program Full Time
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Industry is looking for a press brake operator to join an international and

experienced team.


Industry processes iron and metal and deals with short series and single-piece

production and therefore very varied tasks. Our press brake operators have

extensive experience with setup and programming, and they work independently

with the assigned tasks. We are looking for a hard-working colleague who will

handle many different orders daily. You will receive thorough onboarding, and

then you will work independently to collect orders, bend the order and send the

order to the next work station – i.e. to the welding department.


position is 37 hours per week. You work either day or evening shift.

Your tasks



up the press brake machine with the program and tools



braking your own orders with high quality



collaboration with colleagues and foreman on efficiency and optimization



to a good working environment


It is

important that you are reliable, tenacious and thorough with your tasks. You

must be able to learn quickly and produce a good quality. A good mood is also

necessary. Experience with bending of various items according to technical

drawings is a prerequisite.

It will be

possible to operate different press brakes in relation to the very varying work

tasks, these are press brakes from 2000 mm x 40 T to 4000 mm x 240 T. You will

be part of a team with skilled and committed colleagues.

We might be

able to offer housing close to the factory.

How to apply

Send your application and CV to
. If you have any questions about the position, please contact: Chief

People Officer, Tine Westergaard Clausen, tel.: +45

29 86 21 01.

About Staermose

Industry A/S


Industry A/S was established in 1979. Today, Staermose Industry A/S is a

sub-supplier to a large part of the world market for heat exchanger

manufacturers. In addition to producing insulation jackets, Staermose Industry

A/S specializes in supplying cut and machined steel sheets, steel structures,

pipes, cassettes, cabinets, etc. With a targeted strategy and ambition to grow

further, the company has grown strongly over the past 10 years. Read

more at

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Numele anuntului: Staermose Industry: Press Brake Operator
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