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Receptionist/Front Desk

1 poziție
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Candidatul Ideal

The ideal candidate:
-speaks English fluently
- is punctual and well-organized
- has an eye for details
- is flexible and open-minded
- deals well with pressure
- excellent communication skills
- work experience for at least 1 year

Descrierea jobului

Main responsabilities:
- welcome and support guests/clients
- manage protocol (coffee, drinks etc)
- distribute incoming and outgoing post
- answering phone calls, and, if needed, routing them to the relevant department
- performing ad-hoc administrative duties (if something needs repairing, contacts the building's repair team)
- managing courier services for all departments

Descrierea companiei

Vista Leasing Romania (IFN) S.A. is a small size financial non-banking institution established in Romania in 2003, licensed by the National Bank of Romania to engage in financial leasing operations and credit loans.
Main products offered by the Company include:Direct leasing financing for acquisition of movable and immovable assets;Sale-and-lease-back

Credit facilities for acquisition of movable assets

Credit facilities with mortgage on real-estate properties
Publicat 11 Febr. 2025Reactualizat 11 Mart. 2025Expiră 13 Mart. 2025
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